ENA is an animated series on YouTube and Newgrounds created by Joel Guerra C, also known as Joel G. The series uses a mix of 2D and 3D animation as well as taking inspiration from many pieces of media and worldwide culture. The overall tone of the series uses comedic and surreal elements.
in not LAME terms, ena is a series consisting of (at the time of writing this) 4 weird ass videos.
ena... where do i even start. ena is the protagonist of ENA (the series.) she had a brief bout of internet popularity when temptation stairway was released, but a majority of ena fans have moved on. a starbucks barista did recognize her from my shirt, though. so that's gotta count for something.
ena wiki describes her as "stubborn in situations that don't involve her own emotions, in which she'll quickly abandon, change or split back and forth from." describing ena's base personality is difficult, as she is wildly different depending on what emotion she's feeling.
emotions are a large part of what makes ena...ena. she switches back and forth between happy, sad, hyper sad, and drunk. what a charming broad! the two sides of ena represent the two main emotional states she expresses. blue is sad and full of self loathing. yellow is happy and eerily positive considering what goes on around her.
at the very end of season 1 of ena, ena turns fully yellow. thus losing her sad side and spending the rest of her existence being happy. it can be inferred that season 1 ena's story is over, so what we know now about her is all of the information we will ever know about her.
a season 2 of ena was announced, and the protagonist is also named ena (although she is a different character.) there is very little canon info about season 2 ena, but she looks like this! (cute)